Champion Grants
You can apply for the Champion Grant as a diocese, church, rector, student ministry team, student minister, or as a middle/high school student. You can apply for a Champion Grant up to twice in one calendar year. Champion Grant funds are intended to supplement the financial cost of a ministry idea. For students with an idea, make sure you’ve shared your ministry idea with a church leader and have their support.
For those who receive the Champion Grant, we want to hear how your ministry idea worked! Everyone who receives funds will be invited to share feedback and celebrations.
Champion Grant Stories
Abiding in the Spirit: Church of the Vine’s First Youth Retreat
As the Student Ministry at Church of the Vine in Newberg, Oregon has been growing in the past two...
Caring for and discipling high school students
The Champion Grant allows churches to answer their “what if” questions and “how might we”...
Every Tribe and Nation
The Champion Grant exists to come alongside student ministry champions with financial support for...
Inviting students to belong to Jesus
How do you help students learn to trust each other and build friendships with people they often...
Mothers help daughters become leaders through discipleship cohort
The Student Leadership Network, along with many of our churches, values household faith. We affirm...
Finding Christian community during Soul in the City
One of the projects supported by the Champion Grant was this past summer’s Soul in the City,...
Creating space for students at JAFC’s convocation
This summer, the Jurisdiction of Armed Forces and Chaplaincy hosted a retreat for middle and high...
New perspectives at the border
The same day that Title 42 was set to expire, and the eyes of the nation were waiting to see what...
How does the Champion Grant grow your plans?
One of my favorite parts of working with the Student Leadership Network is getting to tell people...
Big Q BBQ: Sharing and Creating Space for Asking Questions
“What if we created an environment that was only about listening?” This was the question that...