
The vision of the Women’s Leadership Network is to discover, develop, and deploy lay and ordained female leaders in the gifts, knowledge, and skills God has given them, equipping them to confidently lead in their context of ministry.

Upcoming Event:

 Developing Female Leaders:

Navigate the Minefield and Release the Gifts of Women in your Church

with Kadi Cole

 Tuesday, December 3, 12:30pm (CT)

Registration Required.

The Women’s Leadership Network (WLN) values:
  • Flourishing
    We cultivate spiritual practices for women to grow and thrive in their communities.
  • Integrity
    We adhere to Provincial and diocesan canons as we strive to be a trusted source for all leaders we represent.
  • Gifts
    We affirm the spiritual gifts of women of all ages as agents for the gospel.
  • Gathering
    We create a trusted and generous space for lay leaders and clergy to connect, share opportunities, and be encouraged.
  • Leadership
    We disciple, encourage, and empower women to fulfill their callings and ministries.
  • Equipping
    We provide resources for churches and dioceses to embrace the giftedness of women to build God’s kingdom.

“We have not effectively discipled and equipped all Christians, male and especially female, lay and ordained, to fulfill their callings and ministries in the work of God’s kingdom. We repent of this and commit to work earnestly toward a far greater release of the whole Church to her God-given mission.” – College of Bishops’ 2017 Victoria Statement

These encouraging words about the gifts and callings of women became foundational for the vision behind our network, which began in 2019 under the Rev. Lucy Albert.



We value gathering in person as clergywomen and as lay leaders for refreshment, encouragement, and support. Our next clergywomen's retreat will be Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, 2024, at the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI. Sign up below!

2024 WLN Clergywomen's Retreat

Lay Connect

Lay Connect is a monthly virtual gathering for ACNA female lay leaders to connect with one another, share resources, and grow in their gifts and callings. For more information, reach out at WLN.LayConnect@gmail.com.

Storying Groups

Storying Groups are comprised of lay and clergy women who want to go deeper in understanding their stories through God's eyes. Each group, led by a trained facilitator, consists of 4-6 women who commit to meet over the course of approx. 3 months (each group's schedule is unique). When these stories are shared and heard through the lens of God’s grace, goodness, and truth, women are empowered and transformed, growing into into the leaders God intends them to be.

Join a Group

Chaplain Support

The calling of a chaplain is unique but can often feel lonely. ACNA Female Chaplains meet virtually on the second Thursday of the month for fellowship, support, and encouragement. If you’re a chaplain who wants to connect with others in a similar call, contact Deacon Shelly Sorem at deaconshellysorem@gmail.com to be included in the monthly gatherings.

Intro to Storying

Intro to Storying

Watch this video about storying:

Intro To Storying

Connection First

ACNA Clergywomen gather on the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom for one hour to connect with God and with one another. The format includes a speaker who shares on one of three topics: Leadership Development, Ministry Tools, or Soul Care. This is followed by small group discussion. The monthly gathering is offered once in the afternoon and once in the evening and is recorded for those who missed it. Contact Deacon Shelly Sorem at deaconshellysorem@gmail.com to join.

 “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.”
1 Thessalonians 5:24


The Rev. Virginia Musselman, Director

On maternity leave until November 1, 2024. For more information on WLN, please contact another member of the WLN Leadership Team.

Virginia Musselman has served with WLN since its beginning in 2019. She was ordained to the diaconate in AMiA in 2011 and transferred to ACNA in 2014. She holds an MDiv from Regent Divinity and has served multiple churches in Virginia and North Carolina as deacon and Associate Pastor. Virginia is passionate about building bridges where there are differences, preaching, pastoral care and helping women from fundamentalist backgrounds find their voice and value in God. She and her husband John have two small children and recently moved back to her hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas where she serves with Rez Little Rock, a new Contemplative Community. Virginia is also the coordinator for WLN’s virtual Imago Dei in the Church events and hosts WLN’s 3 Practice Circle discussions. Contact Virginia.

Anthea Kotlan

Anthea Kotlan has served women through discipleship for over 30 years. With a Master’s degree in English, Anthea has used her communication and teaching skills to organize and speak at annual retreats in the Diocese of the Western Gulf coast for ten years. Together with her husband of 34 years, Fr. Bill Kotlan, she serves low-resource communities with literacy and development initiatives through a non-profit they helped start 12 years ago. They have recently helped plant All Saints Church in Conroe, Texas, where she creates social media content and disciples women. Anthea leads the Lay Connect Ministry, Social Media and Prayer for WLN. Contact Anthea.

Kathleen Rankin

As the ADGL Canon for Leadership Development, Kathleen comes alongside women and men who are discerning a call to ordained ministry and develops and guides them through assignments, retreats, cohort meetings, and other assessments that help them clarify their call and examine their character and competency according to biblical standards and provincial educational requirements. Kathleen leads the Storying Group ministry for WLN. Contact Kathleen.

Shelly Sorem

Shelly Sorem was ordained as a deacon in the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast in 2015 in and she is part of the Diocesan Women’s Ministry and Communications Teams. She has Masters in Counseling Psychology. She serves as the Chaplain for the Westlake Fire Department. Shelly is the Provincial Council President for Daughters of the Holy Cross. She serves with WLN and leads Connection First. She is part of ARDF’s Disaster Relief Task Force. Shelly speaks nationally and internationally at retreats and conferences and is a trainer for QPR, a suicide prevention program. Shelly and her husband Bill live in Katy, TX and they have two daughters who are married and three granddaughters. Shelly leads the Connection First Ministry and the Chaplain Support Group for WLN. Contact Shelly.

Tina Gaines

Tina Gaines has a BA in Sociology from Whitworth University and has either served or participated in women’s ministry for 20 years. She and her husband planted Christ Our Peace Anglican Church in North Spokane in 2014. She has helped establish a thriving women’s ministry that seeks to nurture and disciple women holistically (soul, mind, and body) through bible study, group spiritual direction, and spiritual disciplines. She serves on her diocesan Women’s Union and loves connecting with women and hearing their stories. Tina lives just north of Spokane in Chattaroy, Washington on a small farm with her husband Billy and their six children. Tina leads the Lay Connect ministry for WLN. Contact Tina.


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