Raising Up Leaders
The mission of the Next Generation Leadership Initiative is to discover, develop, and deploy leaders and ministry resources for the Anglican Church in North America.

Next Generation
In the next decade, a significant number of our existing clergy will retire, and we currently do not have a sufficient amount of young, talented leaders to replace them or to start new ministries.


Next Generation Leadership Initiative is a key ministry of the Anglican Church in North America, a church that is faithful to the Great Tradition, just in its concern for the needy, and as multi-ethnic as the Kingdom is.
Our Networks
Working to build communities of belonging among individuals with and without disabilities in parishes across the ACNA
Increasing the ethnic diversity of clergy for the sake of evangelism to all and authentic gospel witness
Developing and providing tools for family discipleship to parishes and dioceses
Latest Articles
Abiding in the Spirit: Church of the Vine’s First Youth Retreat
As the Student Ministry at Church of the Vine in Newberg, Oregon has been growing in the past two years, they began to look for new opportunities to form students to welcome the transformation of the Holy Spirit. With the help of the Champion Grant, they took students...
Youth delegate statement from Provincial Assembly
We, the youth delegates of Assembly 2024, love the Anglican tradition and find depth, beauty, and meaning in the Anglican way of formation, mission, and worship. We value the high emphasis on scripture and the way the cross is central. We look forward to ways that...
Caring for and discipling high school students
The Champion Grant allows churches to answer their “what if” questions and “how might we” wonderings with new or expanded ministry ideas. In coming alongside Anglican student ministries with financial support, we are seeing students formed into the likeness of Christ....