Raising Up Leaders

The mission of the Next Generation Leadership Initiative is to discoverdevelop, and deploy leaders and ministry resources for the Anglican Church in North America.

Next Generation

In the next decade, a significant number of our existing clergy will retire, and we currently do not have a sufficient amount of young, talented leaders to replace them or to start new ministries.


Our network leaders are focused on raising leaders to bridge the significant gaps in the current outreach of the ACNA where we do not have an organized presence or unified vision.


Archbishop Foley Beach has established six ministry priorities to serve those at the local level by coming alongside them with support, resources, and networking. NGLI is one of these 6 prioritized areas of ministry.

Next Generation Leadership Initiative is a key ministry of the Anglican Church in North America, a church that is faithful to the Great Tradition, just in its concern for the needy, and as multi-ethnic as the Kingdom is.

Our Networks


Working to build communities of belonging among individuals with and without disabilities in parishes across the ACNA


Increasing the ethnic diversity of clergy for the sake of evangelism to all and authentic gospel witness


Developing and providing tools for family discipleship to parishes and dioceses


Working to see generations of students formed in Christ awakening churches, communities, and cultures


Equipping lay and ordained women in the gifts, knowledge, and skills God has given them to confidently lead in their context of ministry

Rector’s Leadership Network

A place of flourishing for rectors to expand impact and create healthy, vibrant leadership environments.

Latest Articles

Report for Provincial Council 2023

Report for Provincial Council 2023

Over the past year, the Next Generation Leadership Initiative has continued to serve the province, refocusing our work to be directly available to both parishes and dioceses.

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Finding Christian community during Soul in the City

Finding Christian community during Soul in the City

“During a week of serving others and participating in the work that God is doing in a particular community, students are often able to experience the love of God personally in a powerful way.” Read more about how young people experienced Christian community during Soul in the City below.

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