The same day that Title 42 was set to expire, and the eyes of the nation were waiting to see what would happen at the border, a team of Anglican students were there. Students from International Anglican Church in Colorado Springs spent part of their Christmas break from school traveling to the border between the United States and Mexico. Before the trip, two high school students who applied for the Champion Grant shared that they were particularly looking forward to being a part of this trip because in learning about the experiences families and individuals have in these places, they would be equipped to mobilize their community to serve. They felt that everyone who signed up wanted to learn more about the particular needs of immigrant families so that they could increase their compassion and care for immigrants in their community.
The Border Encounter included challenging, honest conversations about racism and immigration. At the same time, this trip also included time for students to share really joyful experiences and play games with people at a shelter just over the Mexican border. IAC partnered with Abara, an organization that works to build connections in the borderlands and leads groups in visiting and learning about this area.

“I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity getting this grant allowed us to have. As a group we were truly impacted so positively and allowed to grow so much in our relationship with Jesus and our spirituality.”

Sarah, a high school student who was a part of the experience, shared, “Having the experience of seeing the wall from the other side completely shifted the outlook our group had from what we had seen on the American side of the border… Soon following that [time at the shelter] we crossed back into the United States of America and were able to begin processing our experience with Sami, the executive director of Abara, as
we got a first-hand look at the steps Abara is taking to further their project.”
As Sarah told me about the trip, she finished by saying, “I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity getting this grant allowed us to have. As a group we were truly impacted so positively and allowed to grow so much in our relationship with Jesus and our spirituality.”
The vision of the Student Leadership Network is to see generations of students formed in Christ awakening churches, communities, and cultures. We are so encouraged to hear about students like Sarah, who are empathetically leading in their community. If you have ideas about new ministry experiences you want to help lead young people through that you do not have the financial resources for, consider applying for a
Champion Grant!

Anna Burden
Coordinator for Student Leadership Network
Anna Burden grew up in the church and has felt called to student ministry since she was in seventh grade. She studied Youth Ministry at Eastern University and has experience working with churches and student ministries of various sizes. Anna and her husband, Colin, now live in Quincy, MA with their two cats. She works for the Anglican Diocese in New England as their Family Ministry Assistant. Anna is passionate about helping young people discover their identity
in Christ, their belonging in the family of God, and their gifts for Kingdom purposes.