Approved Seminaries
Officially approved for graduate-level training of Presbyter/Priests and Deacons in the Anglican Church in North America
Anglican Seminaries
Nashotah House Theological Seminary
Nashotah House exists to form persons for ministry in the breadth of the Catholic Tradition, for the Episcopal Church, Churches in the Anglican Tradition, the wider Anglican Communion, and Ecumenical Partners, thus continuing to serve our historic role as “The Mission,” empowering the Church for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Real Presence—Real Preparation for Real-Life Ministry.
Reformed Episcopal Seminary
Reformed Episcopal Seminary is a ministry of the Reformed Episcopal Church and the ACNA, to educate and train Christians for lay and ordained ministry in the Church. They are distinguished by a strong commitment to the inerrancy of God’s Word, adherence to reformed theology and evangelical beliefs, worship and polity in the Anglican tradition, and an emphasis on pastoral ministry training.
Trinity Anglican Seminary
Trinity is a seminary in the Anglican tradition that is evangelical in faith, catholic in order, alive in the Holy Spirit, and committed to mission. With students from the ACNA and others seeking excellent formation for ministry, Trinity offers a Certificate in Anglican Studies, a Master of Divinity, a Doctor of Ministry, and a whole range of other programs. Students can pursue their education on the Residential Pathway, relocating to Ambridge, or on the Church-Based Pathway through online classes and week-long Intensives.
Learning opportunities for pastors and lay people during January 2023 InterTerm session
Anglican Tracks
Asbury Seminary
Students can specialize in Anglican Studies as a part of their M.Div. or M.A. in Theological Studies degree at Asbury Seminary. A Certificate in Anglican Studies is available as well.
Regent College (Anglican Studies Graduate Program)
Regent College’s graduate program in Anglican Studies is for both laypersons and people intent on the ordained Anglican ministry. The M.Div. program at Regent prepares them for ministry in the Anglican Communion worldwide. Regent College has also partnered with Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, in an exchange program. Regent students are able to do two terms of their M.Div. degree in Oxford.
Beeson Divinity School (The Institute of Anglican Studies)
The Institute builds the Anglican Communion by helping educate students and the public in the riches of the Anglican tradition, as Christians who worship the Trinitarian God with the liturgy and sacraments of the Church. Following the via media, the middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, they draw from the best of Catholic worship and Protestant preaching for life in the Trinity.
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Anglican/Episcopal Studies)
Gordon-Conwell is rooted in the gospel and God’s Word, the seminary develops Christian leaders who are thoughtful, globally aware, spiritually mature, and ready for a broad array of ministries. Students will be prepared to meet ordination requirements for many Protestant denominations, including the ACNA; as well as service in chaplaincy programs (military, hospital, national parks, and others).