Church Resources

Imago Dei – Access – February 2025

The Access Leadership Network invites you on a journey to get to know three people with different types of disabilities (physical, mental, & intellectual). Through the panel discussion moderated by Bishop Martyn Minns, we will seek to facilitate gaining a thicker and more wholistic view of each person. This is an opportunity to grow and be encouraged to build friendships with people in your church and community who live lives impacted by disability.

Imago Dei – Access – October 2023

Erik W. Carter offers ten elements of belonging:  to be present, invited, welcomed, known, accepted, supported, cared for, befriended, needed, and loved.  Focused on moving from barriers to inclusion of persons with special needs in a faith community, Carter provides an inventory through which any faith-based community—parish, school, classroom, committee—can evaluate itself on how it engenders a sense of belonging.  Carter also offers many concrete strategies for inclusion.

The AcLN’s research team researches biblically sound perspectives on disability ministry and what it means to be a valued member of the body of Christ, to help guide and inform the advocacy, training, and resources of Access Leadership Network and ministry in local churches.


We have found the research and work of Dr. Erik Carter to be helpful in offering practical suggestions and  strategies to guide a church in creating communities of belonging for those with and without disabilities.


National Disability and Ministry Study

Included below are the first snapshots of findings from Dr. Erik Carter’s National Disability and Ministry Study. 

Issue No. 1

In this first issue, we address the “facets of ministry” across 200 churches. In other words, we describe the breadth of ways churches intentionally serve and support people with disabilities and/or their families. In addition, we provide an overview of those churches that are active in this area—their denominations, size, ministry start date, and individuals served. View it here.

Issue No. 2

The Pandemic’s Impact on Disability Ministry: 
Early Snapshots from the National Disability and Ministry Study

View it here.

Fostering Belonging

Erik W. Carter offers ten elements of belonging:  to be present, invited, welcomed, known, accepted, supported, cared for, befriended, needed, and loved.  Focused on moving from barriers to inclusion of persons with special needs in a faith community, Carter provides an inventory through which any faith-based community—parish, school, classroom, committee—can evaluate itself on how it engenders a sense of belonging.  Carter also offers many concrete strategies for inclusion.