As the Student Ministry at Church of the Vine in Newberg, Oregon has been growing in the past two years, they began to look for new opportunities to form students to welcome the transformation of the Holy Spirit. With the help of the Champion Grant, they took students on their church’s first-ever overnight retreat. Young people were invited further into community with each other and dedicated alone time with God

A highlight of the weekend was a thirty-minute period where students and leaders were told to spend time alone with God in prayer. While some of the leaders were unsure how students would respond to this time, each student expressed how this time of prayer brought peace. Cana Whitted, the Director of Youth Ministry at Church of the Vine, shared, “It is so rare to find the chance to sit in stillness with God in our busy lives surrounded by noise, screens, people, and to-do lists, but doing so is rejuvenating for our souls.

I hope that that experience can be something our youth hold on to and are not afraid to replicate, knowing that God is always near and we can choose to rest in his presence.” In creating space to disciple young people through this weekend retreat, leaders focused on the themes of Being with Jesus, Becoming like Him, and Doing as He did. The retreat lasted two days and included whole group team-building activities, small group time, and time alone with God. This created space for students to encounter the Holy Spirit and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Cana found a lot of encouragement in having shared leadership with five other adult leaders for the planning and hosting of this retreat. As a part-time student ministry leader with another full-time work commitment, she was able to rely on the support of other adult leaders in planning events, leading small groups, and pouring into students relationally. Cana told the Student Leadership Network, “I am so grateful for the way God uses his Body to show support and love in the way of Jesus.” One of the benefits of this team-based leadership is the continuation of relational connection with students after the retreat.

Now that Church of the Vine has hosted its first overnight youth retreat, they are looking ahead to other overnight events with their student ministry. Beyond these large events, the student ministry team at this church is continuing to walk with young people in their community. The Champion Grant exists to come alongside churches like the Church of the Vine with financial support for their ministry ideas.

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